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Monday, October 7, 2024

Now Available! Sedona West Mysteries--The Complete Series


Hooray! You asked for this, and now it’s here: the complete set of Sedona West Murder Mysteries. Now available at

Sedona West Mysteries--The Complete Set


After waking up with the hangover of the century, Sedona is shocked to learn she is a murder suspect! Can she actually be the killer?


Sedona’s dead ex husband keeps putting her at risk. Two million dollars that he stole has gone missing, and the Mob thinks she knows where the money is. But she doesn’t... or does she?


Sedona finds herself in the thick of things with more murder and mayhem. And, oh yes, a decision on which candy store flavor to call her own!

About Sedona West:

Recovering from a nasty divorce, Sedona gets more than she bargains for when she moves to the idyllic town of Cozy Haven. Her intention is to piece together her shattered life. But Fate decides to throw major roadblocks in her way. First, the hunky sheriff has his eye on her. Second, a celebrity psychologist tries to get her on his private couch. Third, her disreputable ex husband unexpectedly makes an appearance. And fourth, a Girl-Night party turns into an actual Murder party... with all the guests drugged by sedatives in the wine. Talk about a major hangover! And now, Sedona finds herself under the sheriff’s scrutiny as a possible murder suspect. She had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to kill the deceased so how can she convince everyone that she’s innocent?

Now available at!

Hope you enjoy this woman-in-jeopardy mystery romance series!

Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing with a Twist!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

New release: Last book in the Azura Universe, from Vijaya Schartz


An unruly Valkyrie on a possessive flying tiger, a stern angel in love with the rules, and evil pounding at the gate… What could go wrong?

Riddled with guilt at missing Ragnarök, Valka wanders the universe as a bounty hunter. But when hired by angels to recruit warriors for the final battle against evil, she welcomes a chance at redemption.

General Konrad Lagarde, First Mate of the Blue Phantom, strongly disagrees with Valka’s methods despite the results. A stickler for discipline, he considers this intriguing woman dangerous, especially as she could make him forget all the rules.

Evil from another universe has infiltrated a secret society of former dictators hungry for power. Having massacred all the angels in his universe, the evil one wants to do the same here. The angels of this universe face their greatest challenge yet. If they fail to avenge their brethren, they’ll condemn this entire universe to eternal darkness.

Brace for an epic adventure through space, alien planets and space stations, battles between angels and demons, Cyborgs, a ruthless crime lord, an evil sect worshipping a red devil from another universe, and a dictator bent on building an empire. Add to this a determined Valkyrie riding a flying tiger, stealing dying warriors from battlefields and illegal slave markets.

All my Azura novels stand alone, but this is Book 3 and last of the Blue Phantom series, featuring a powerful angel as hero. General Konrad Lagarde, First Mate of the angel ship Blue Phantom, is an Avenging Angel serving the Formless One. He is disciplined to a fault, vegetarian, ascetic, and only knows duty in the service of good… but will he be tempted?

Do not forget Sultan, the formidable genetically engineered flying tiger, telepathic and capable of mind-talk. Although he likes angels in general, he resents Angel Konrad and displays aggressive tendencies towards him.

Here are the two previous novels in this series, although, they all stand alone.

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Also in the same universe, the Byzantium space station series: 

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I hope you enjoy the read. And if you like this kind of story, don’t miss the other epic space novels set in the Azura universe, with human, alien, and angel characters… as well as telepathic cats.  

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Happy Reading!

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Monday, September 9, 2024

Enter the Azura Universe, with warrior women, brave heroes, and cats – by Vijaya Schartz


Coming October 1, 2024

The last novel of the nine I set in the science fiction fantasy universe of Azura, is ANGEL REVENGE, Book 3 of the Blue Phantom series, coming out this October. An unruly Valkyrie on a flying tiger, a strict angel in love with the rules, and evil knocking at the gate… what could go wrong?


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This universe I created a few years ago includes three series of three novels each: AZURA CHRONICLES set on an angel planet (with Angel Mine, Angel Fierce, and Angel Brave), BYZANTIUM set on a space station, with Black Dragon, Akira’s Choice, and Malaika’s Secret – and BLUE PHANTOM set on an angel ship roaming the universe, with Angel Ship, Angel Guardian, and Angel Revenge coming in October.

All the novels of the Azura universe can be read as a standalone, but they are all set in the same galactic world, with a few recurring characters. In them, you will find strong heroines and brave heroes, angels and demons, despicable villains, and sometimes the devil in person. They will have to fight not only evil, but their own demons, overcome their weaknesses, trust in others, make friends and enemies… and sometimes they find love in the least expected places.


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And always among the secondary characters, a telepathic cat. Sometimes, it’s a sweet purring furball like Marshmallow in Black Dragon, a predatory saber cat in the jungle, a wise lion protecting a temple, an engineered bulletproof beast with metal claws, or a magnificent flying tiger with a possessive streak, like in Angel Revenge.

The larger the universe, the more it tempts crazy leaders who want to control it. Many will make a pact with dark forces to rule. But the angels are watching. They traipse across the universe to fight the battles of the light against the encroachment of darkness, preserving the balance of good and evil.


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Sometimes they encounter unexpected technology, opponents from another universe, flocks of black furry demons, flying like a black cloud through space. They have leathery wings, white fangs, red eyes, short horns, long whipping tails, and grimacing faces, and their drool is a strong acid that can burn through metal.

But always, after trials and adventures, and sometimes ultimate sacrifices, good will triumph and the universe will keep running, as it’s supposed to do, with some evil, some good, and always an opportunity for the living to make their own choices.

You can read all the previous books before the last one comes out in October.

Happy reading. Hope you enjoy these series.

You can find more of my books below:

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Polishing the novel coming up in October, Blue Phantom Book 3 - Angel Revenge - by Vijaya Schartz

After lots of research, after sweating the plot, the character motivations and conflicts, the surprises and roadblocks along the way, the setting, the technology, and all the details that come into creating a good story, my favorite part of writing is what some writers hate: the “rewriting.” I prefer to call it “Polishing.” It’s an opportunity to take a story and make it better.

I like to watch the credits at the end of movies to see how many screenwriters were involved. The more writers, the better the script, the better the lines, the better the character development, the better the story. These are my favorite stories. Even in a movie, I like good writing.

Now that I went through several rewrites for each chapter, got feedback from my critique partner, there is still much work to do.

I spent several months with my free-thinking tiger-riding Valkyrie and the strong disciplined angel who oversees her, I know them well. I have discovered things about them I would never have suspected when I started writing the novel. I have found deep emotional connections in their past, and I have come to love and understand them. They are my children and I want them to do well, grow, and find their happiness.

But this can only happen after I make them suffer, sacrifice, and deserve their final reward. Although I do not enjoy the suffering, it is a necessary phase of their evolution.

This stage of writing is the reward for me. No more stress about deadlines, or whether or not the story will come together at the end. I can finally relax into the polishing, adding texture, flavor, color, emotion, and a deeper meaning to each scene, each paragraph, each character. I can go back to the beginning and implement the quirks they developed while I was writing.

I will also add a few scenes, flashbacks, dreams, to bring more layers to the story.

Some early secondary characters have become more important as the story developed, and now deserve a name and a little more time in the spotlight. The villains also deserve a chance to explain themselves. No one is totally good or totally evil. We are all shades of gray… even the red devil from another universe threatening to take over our galaxy.

ANGEL REVENGE, Book 3 of the Blue Phantom series, will be released in October 2024. “An unruly Valkyrie on a flying tiger, a stern angel in love with the rules, and evil knocking at the gate… what could go wrong?”

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In the meantime, catch up with the first two novels in the Blue Phantom series: ANGEL SHIP and ANGEL GUARDIAN: There is a phantom ship that glows like a beacon in black space, appears and vanishes, and never registers on scanners. Rumors say it will save the righteous, the oppressed, and the downtrodden… and slay the unworthy without mercy. The space pirates fear it. Their victims pray for it... but its help comes at a price... 

Happy Reading.

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Monday, December 11, 2023

From Samurai Bounty Hunter to Egyptian Goddess - creating new stories and characters for the Azura Universe - by Vijaya Schartz


Find this book and more
on my BWL page HERE

The Azura Universe is vast and varied. I have been writing stories in it for several years now, over different series. From the Azura Chronicles set on the angel planet, to the Byzantium series set on a space station, and now the Blue Phantom series, featuring the crew of an angel ship. I truly enjoy writing this universe. It’s filled with Humans, alien races, powerful angels, AIs, Cyborg, formidable crime lords, evil sects, power-hungry rulers, bounty hunters, demons, demi-gods, and often big cats with mind-reading abilities.

In all of these novels, you will find strong heroines, brave heroes, and lots of action and adventure, with a little romance for good measure. I write to entertain, and you can trust me to give my stories a happy conclusion no matter what kind of hell my characters have to go through to find their happily ever after.

All my science fiction novels in each series can stand alone, and I like to give each of them a different flair. I sometimes find inspiration in various legends and mythologies of ancient cultures throughout the world, from India to Japan, to the middle east. In Angel Guardian, the latest release, my villainess is Azfet, the Egyptian Goddess of chaos, who has crossed over from another universe.

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But now is the time to plot ANGEL REVENGE, Book 3 in the Blue Phantom series. And this time, my heroine is the one coming from a semi-familiar mythology. A strong warrior woman, a green-eyed beauty, flying over the battlefield on the wings of a genetically enhanced tiger. That’s all I will say. You’ll have to wait until next fall to read her story.

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In the meantime, you can read the previous books in this universe, some of which won literary awards, and all of which gathered rave reviews. Happy reading!

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Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

ANGEL GUARDIAN, Book 2 of the Blue Phantom series - by Vijaya Schartz


Are Alien Angels watching?

There is a rumor that the forces of good are constantly protecting us from unspeakable evil, demon hordes, tyrannical galactic leaders, and unseen entities threatening to ravage unsuspecting planets.

Most believe these powerful angels are the stuff of legends… until they meet one.

ANGEL GUARDIAN, Book 2 in the Blue Phantom series, is the story of one such angel, who doesn’t remember who or what he is, or what he is supposed to accomplish. Deep inside, he believes he must carry on an important mission, but what is it?

The heroine is also an angel, but regrets her decision of becoming one. She enlisted to save her people, but she is not adapting well to the disciplined military lifestyle required of the crew of the angel ship Blue Phantom. She misses her family.

Find it from your
favorine online store here

In the Azura universe, the angels are luminous beings, humanoids or AIs, with retractable wings. They have powers of telepathy, teleportation, invisibility, and superhuman strength. They wield angel weapons driven by blue crystal technology. They report only to the “Formless One” and are tasked with keeping the balance of good and evil in the universe. These benevolent angels also do their best to protect the innocent from terrible calamities. 

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ANGEL GUARDIAN starts on the frozen world of Laxxar, a forced labor planet using slaves to mine salt. It was mentioned in the previous books mainly as a swearing expression “By the Frozen hells of Laxxar!”

This novel also introduces the Pandemonium Space Station, a moving den of iniquity harboring the scum of the universe, and ruled by a cyborg crime lord. Genetically enhanced big cats are trained to kill in the arena for the games, and publicly execute those condemned to death. The animals are kept in terrible conditions in cages. They can only feed on their victims. Two of these telepathic felines play an important role in this story as well.

As for the villainess of this novel, her name is Azfet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of chaos, the only survivor of her race, and she is determined to enslave this galaxy to reign supreme and be worshiped like the gods of old.

ANGEL GUARDIAN can stand alone, like all the other novels set in the Azura universe, (Azura Chronicles series, Byzantium Space Station series, Blue Phantom series). But if you are like me, you’ll want to read all the other books in these series as well:

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Happy Reading!

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats
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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Now Available--THE KILLING KISS, Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Series: Number Seven


New! The seventh case in the Minx Tobin Mystery Romance Series is now available electronically at and And in soon in print.

Who is Minx Tobin, you ask? Minx is a fitness instructor newly relocated to Los Angeles, California, who has a knack for solving puzzles--puzzles concerning dead bodies. For fun, romance, and... unexpected corpses, follow her adventures in the Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Series!

Minx worries that Los Angeles’ newest serial killer is after her husband, Gabe. But maybe it’s Minx that the killer wants to “kiss!”


As Minx Tobin Harris juggles her new life as wife, mother, and exercise instructor, she’s drawn into LAPD’s latest case: a serial kisser who targets L.A.’s Homicide Division. The perpetrator’s “random” kisses are turning out to be not so random... and then they become fatal. While Minx worries that hubby Gabe is on the Kissing Killer’s list, Gabe worries that maybe the killer is really after Minx.

Homicide Lieutenant Gabe Harris not only has his hands full with his new wife and new baby, he also has a perplexing new case to worry about. Someone has infiltrated LAPD’s hall of records and has compromised police security. After Gabe receives some provocative photos featuring Minx, he orders extra protection for his wife, but will that be enough to stop the murderer’s Killing Kiss?

Reviews:5 Stars! Minx Tobin says it best: It’s old home week--with Number Seven in the Minx Tobin Murder Mystery series. I’ve been a fan of Ms. Minx since THE BLOODSTAINED BISTRO so naturally I scooped up THE KILLING KISS. How lovely to get reacquainted with all these wonderful characters! I thoroughly enjoyed reading how Minx handles or juggles life as a new mother along with her fitness career. This book can be read as a standalone, however my advice is to go back and read books One through Six, too. Seeing how Minx and Gabe evolve in their relationship is immensely satisfying. Don’t miss this!--Mystery Maven’s Reviews

There’s a Kissing Bandit running around LA, knocking out folks and leaving a decal of red lips on their foreheads... and sometimes elsewhere. When these kisses turn deadly, fitness instructor Minx Tobin Harris has to solve this mystery puzzle because she believes her new hubby, Gabe, is being targeted by the killer. THE KILLING KISS is a delightful and inventive tale reuniting all the major players in the Minx Tobin universe. I enjoyed reading how each character “grew”... or not... in the year and a half since Book Number Six. If you enjoy well-written and satisfying whodunits, give the Minx Tobin Murder Mysteries a try. You won’t be disappointed! Two thumbs up!--On The Edge Reviews

THE EMBEZZLED ENVELOPE is available for purchase electronically at and And in soon in print.

Minx Tobin Murder Mystery Novels by Susanne Marie Knight include:









Hope you enjoy! Thanks!


Susanne Marie Knight

Read outside the box: award-winning Romance Writing With A Twist!