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Saturday, December 15, 2012


Great news, this award-winning romantic science fiction series, up until now only available in eBooks (all formats), is coming to print. WHITE TIGER came out in paperback earlier this year, and RED LEOPARD was just released in print two days ago.

Each book can be read separately as a unique story, but above is the proper order. Notice that NOAH'S ARK is a prequel. It comes firt, but it was published last, so it will also come last in paperback. BLACK JAGUAR is scheduled for paperback release in February, and the other titles will follow promptly in 2013.

Find the books at AMAZON  -  B&N  -  ARE  -  SONY  -  KOBO  -  and everywhere else.


In charge of the fortress of Kassouk in the King's absence, what is Terek to do when a Goddian spacecraft lands in his medieval backyard, and the striking woman leading the galactic party insists on colonization?

Galya, the Goddian Princess commanding the geological vessel, is bent on finding a crystal with unusual hyper-conductor properties. And the futile resistance of the local population isn’t going to stop her. Not even that defiant tribal chief nicknamed Red Leopard, like the infernal feline that follows him everywhere.

Terek and his band of swordsmen and felines must defend their people’s freedom, no matter the cost. But with this unexpected arrival, an old prophecy surfaces, taking new meaning and carrying a new threat... When political intrigues, greed, murder and betrayal tip the scales, whom can Galya really trust? Her fellow Goddians? the Mutants bred to serve her race? or her primitive Human enemy?

"action packed, fast paced story... I can't wait to read the next book in the Chronicles of Kassouk series." 5 angels - Fallen Angel Reviews

"This book was so good. The plot, characters, setting, everything was laid out in detail; vivid and believable. I was completely lost in the world Vijaya created and loving every second of it."
- 5 stars - Shawna K. -

"Packed with action and adventure. Galya ... a tough warrior... a sweetness about her that makes her easy to like... I loved how Rascal was Terek's faithful companion and defender throughout nearly the entire story... I really liked Red Leopard." - The Hope Chest Reviews

Hope you try this series if you haven't already. Either in eBook or in paperback.

Wishing you the greatest holidays.

Vijaya Schartz
Blasters, Swords, Romance with a Kick